Monday, October 11, 2010

TERM 4- 2010

What is happening for this Term???

Our school wide concept is- CONTRIBUTION & CELEBRATIONS

Our Big Picture will be- 'A Chance to Enhance'
with the Big Question- 'How can we improve and enhance the World we live in?'

Our Writing Focus will be- Personal Recounts/ Picture Plans/ Cameo Writing/ Recrafting/ Publishing and a particular focus on Transactional Writing: Exposition

Our mathematics programme will be- Measurement (1 week)--> Number (6 weeks)--> Statistics- Probability (2 weeks)--> Geometry- Transformation & Symmetry (1 week)

-Safe Walking for Year 1 & 2 over weeks 1-4
-Grandparent Day- Thursday 21st October (Week 2)
-Soccer Day- classes rotate (Week 2 & 3)
-LABOUR DAY (school closed) Monday 25th October (Week 3)
-Year 3-6 Athletics Day- Wednesday 17th November (Week 6)
-Year 0-2 Athletics Day- Tuesday 7th December (Week 10)
-LAST DAY OFF SCHOOL- Thursday 16th December (School closes at 12pm)

If you have any questions or there is anything else you would like to know about the class programme don't hestitate to pop in and see your classroom teacher or ask at the office :-)